Cache Memory is present between RAM and a Microprocessor. A Microprocessor is very fast compared to its peripherals ( Peripherals here means its supporting components like RAM). to bridge the gap in speed of between the peripherals and the processor a cache memory is used. This can be explained well with the help of an example.
Example: Consider a processor operating at a clock of 3.2 GHz = 3,200,000,000
- the processor will get its data from RAM.
- The speed of RAM card will be generally 800 Mhz = 800,000,000 Hz.
- This means that RAM can be accessed with a speed of 800 MHz only.
- But a processor will be working at 3.20 GHz. It should be supplied data only with that speed. If the data is supplied with a lower speed then the processor will not be able to take data.
- But we are using a RAM card which can supply data only with a speed of 800MHz
- The solution to this problem is to use an intermediate memory which can take data from the RAM card with a speed of 800MHz and then supply to the processor with a speed of 3.20GHz.
- This intermediate memory is cache memory.
If Cache memory is more then the processor will waste less time in accessing the data and hence the speed of the processor will be improved. Cache memory in present inside the processor.
More the cache more is performance of a processor