Now a Days Processors are coming with number of cores. The number of cores in a processor means the number of independent processor units present inside a processor.
For Example: A core 2 duo contains 2 independent processor cores in it.
In this core2duo there are two processor cores. Each doing its own function.
The specifications of each processor are one and the same. when compared to a single core pentium 4 processor , this core 2 Duo contains two independent processors and hence the performance will be doubled.
The two processors will work back to back. they process two different applications parallely and Hence the performance of the system will be doubled.
- In a quad core there will be 4 cores.
- In an i3 processor there are 2 cores + a Graphic processor = 3
- In an i5 processor there are 4 cores + a Graphic processor = 5
- In an i7 processor there are 6 cores + a Graphic processor = 7