Core i5
All core i processors have number of multiple individual processor cores and an integrated Graphic Processor Unit (GPU) packed in a single physical package. GPU contains all the necessary hardware in it to calculate the floating point values of graphics. GPU also helps to render graphics smoothly without the need of an external Graphic card. i processors run on DDR3 technology.
core i5 logo
There are two processor series in i5. 600 series ang 700 series.
All i5 processors have 4 processing threads with intel turbo boost technology
32nm and 45nm are the two processor technologies
i5 32nm
processor number | cache memory | clock speed | number of cores
i5-680 4 MB 3.6 GHz 2
i5-680 4 MB 3.6 GHz 2
i5-670 4 MB 3.46 GHz 2
i5-661 4 MB 3.33 GHz 2
i5-660 4 MB 3.33 GHz 2
i5-655k 4 MB 3.2 GHz 2
i5-650 4 MB 3.2 GHz 2
i5 45nm
processor number | cache memory | clock speed | number of cores
i5-750s 8 MB 2.4 GHz 4
i5-750 8 MB 2.66 GHz 4
features of core i5:
- Hard core multi tasking
- Intense 3D gaming
- dualcore technology
- Intel hyper threading technology supporting upto 4 threads
- Intel turbo boost technology
- Intel HD graphics
- Integrated memory controller enabling two channels of DDR3 ram cards at 1333MHz
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